soft kvm

Software based virtual KVM helps you to save money and space because you are able to seamlessly switch and control multiple computers using a single keyboard and mouse. Here are 4 free tools that help you achieve that.

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Auto Window Manager automatically manages any window that you specify. By using Auto Window Manager, you can set windows to automatically maximize (minimize, normal, minimize to tray, stay on to...

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  • Software based virtual KVM helps you to save money and space because you are able to seaml...
    4 Free Virtual KVM Software to Share Keyboard and Mouse on ...
  • Get the answer to "What is the best mouse and keyboard sharing software (or Virtual K...
    5 best mouse and keyboard sharing software (or Virtual KVM software ...
  • Downloads. Most Linux distros already have KVM kernel modules and userspace tools availabl...
    Downloads - KVM
  • Control multiple windows systems with one keyboard/mouse. Share a keyboard and mouse acros...
    Input Director - Software KVM to Control Multiple Computers ...
  • Kavoom! KVM 就如同硬體 KVM 一樣,它會在我們的螢幕上顯示切換按鈕,讓我們透過網路控制另一台沒有鍵盤、滑鼠和螢幕的主機。簡單來說,就是兩台電腦共用同一組鍵盤、滑鼠和螢...
    Kavoom! KVM 5.35:軟體王2017-軟體資訊網站
  • Operate your side-by-side computers from a single keyboard and mouse. For when you have mu...
    KaVoom! Software KVM Switch
  • 2008年11月12日 - 二台電腦共用一個螢幕、一組鍵盤滑鼠,有什麼困難的呢?只要去買台KVM就能解決了,那什麼是KVM呢?KVM指的就是Keyboard(鍵盤)、Video(...
    LuSoft's BLOG » 不使用硬體KVM,利用同一組螢幕、鍵盤、滑鼠來控制二 ...
  • Until now, running multiple computers with one keyboard and mouse has tended to require KV...
    Microsoft's Mouse Without Borders: the KVM that killed ...
  • Software KVM allows you to control multiple PCs using one keyboard and mouse with Multipli...
    Multiplicity - Official Site
  • Software KVM allows you to control multiple PCs using one keyboard and mouse with Multipli...
    Multiplicity | Software KVM Switch | Stardock
  • okvm open source KVM and console management remote access solutions ... okvm's KVM ove...
    okvm 's KVM over IP
  • okvm - virtual KVM solutions ... What is Virtual KVM? KVM switches allow a single operator...
    okvm - Open source virtual KVM solutions
  • A KVM switch allows you to share one mouse & keyboard with multiple computers. Please ...
    Software KVM vs. Hardware KVM - Keyboard and Mouse Sharing
  • Synergy by Symless is a type of KVM software for sharing one keyboard and mouse between mu...
    Synergy - Mouse and Keyboard Sharing Software - Symless
  • 2014年7月24日 - 以前工作就喜歡用Synergy 這套來取代一大堆線的KVM,最近終於有機會再次使用。不過這次的Client / Server 是不一樣的OS,試了一下也...
    Synergy - Soft KVM - Complete Think
  • 現在電腦越來越普及,不少使用者都有一台以上的電腦(如桌機、筆電),如果想要同時用多台電腦來工作時,常會用KVM(鍵盤/螢幕/滑鼠切換器)或遙控軟體(如遠端桌面、VNC)來操作。今天...
    免用KVM!免費的Input Director幫你用一組鍵盤滑鼠操作多部電腦 ...